Vixen Plugins

Output Plugins

I have developed several output plugins for Vixen.  They are available here:

Here is a test sequence I used to test run a binary test on the output plugins:


I recently developed a tap-tempo add-in based on my original TapCalc.  Works in Vixen 2.1 and 2.5 (I haven’t tested in 2.0).
Has been updated to input beats onto a selected channel.

  • TapTempo_2.5.dll ( – 12/13/2009)
    MD5: 3d11b5893a0b633c65975e451c7f7d15

If you download any of these plugins, please leave me a comment and let me know what you think!

12 Replies to “Vixen Plugins”

  1. I can see the plug in , as a add in efx 1 and 2 but get an error, how do u use the plug in. thanks, would love to work with it and lwt you know how it works.

    have a good one

  2. Found this great last January, but forgot how to use it. Remember now.
    This was the best way to simplify consistant patterns in the sequences. They are not perfect but much closer than guesing. Thanks

  3. Another opportunity for the University to unleash the creativity of the students by developing, patenting and marketing such devices. There is no better example of how to learn and get things done than to do them.

  4. I tried it (TapTempo add-in), loved it, lost this website until re-searching for it in DIYC. Wipe/reloading Vixen from scratch, and this is the first tool I’m re-adding to the list! Thanks, this is the best way to make the music/blinky play well together!

  5. @aurbo99 I’ve been quite busy actually! Unfortunately, I was unable to do a display this year. However, I’ve been working with KC and several others on Vixen 3.0! I did a lot of the base GUI work as far as the Timeline goes; that is an ongoing process. I’ve also been involved with a lot of the architectural decisions since we started about a year and a half ago. It’s been a lot of work, but it’s starting to come together now. A lot more is on the way though! I suppose I could blog about it occasionally, no?

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